Thursday 23 October 2014

Highlight Author Comments in Blogger

Highlight Author Comments in Blogger

In the Name of Allah who is the Most Kind and Merciful 

Highlight Author Comments in Blogger in threaded comment System
I already told you that comments are the best way to stay connected with your blog visitors.
Sometimes, visitors can not understand who is replying there comments in blog, I mean to say that admin comment is not highlighted in blog so here I am going to teach you how to high light Admin in Threaded comments.
Enjoy this and Don't Forget to Share and Comment this !

How To Highlight Author Comments In Blogger

  • Sign In to Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Template -> Edit HTML
  • Find </body> and copy the following code above it

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
      function highlight(){
          .css(&#39;border&#39;, &#39;1px solid #e1e1e1&#39;)
          .css(&#39;background&#39;,&#39;#f1f1f1 url(&quot;;) no-repeat bottom right&#39;)
          .css(&#39;padding&#39;, &#39;10px&#39;);
          $(document).bind(&#39;ready scroll click&#39;, highlight);
                       });</script><a style="display:none" href="">Blogger Widgets</a>
  • Click Save

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